6 Cool Types of Throwing Stars for Ninja Lovers!
It may seem like a high-tech and glamorous choice of weapon, but the ninja star is actually low-tech and quite primitive. Though these metal stars are sold as artifacts of Japanese martial arts, they are not used in any kind of competitive or martial practice across North America. In fact, these throwing stars are often sold at flea markets and fairs as one of many different kinds of novelty or practical joke weapons. The ninja star is named "shuriken" and can be defined as a roughly concave, open-centered metal (steel) star with four or more sharpened points. They were used as ninja weapons and were also used as tools in trades like construction (cutting wood). A shuriken is not the same thing as a kunai — although both are sharp and metallic, a shuriken is flat on both sides while a kunai has a hole in the middle to be attached to something. Types of Throwing Stars: Throwing stars are traditionally formed out of metal but recently have become more durable and fashi...